
sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2010


Manner of construction and Objectives of the LO

To accomplish this LO, I tried to explain the advantages of cooperative education through the use of an animated story with dolls and Lego. How was the first LO, it was difficult to choose the tool. So I decided to create a story. I knew I had to show the difference between education and individual education cooperative / collaborative, then through dolls LEGO, I took some photos representing the history stages. The story tells the life of a character who has the need to study to improve their jobs. But have no time. Know then teaching online. In the course of time, he discovers that with the cooperative education learn better and faster because it has access to much information from the social network where he belongs. This is noted through the existing connections in the final slides.
After the pictures, I used a software (PHOTO DVD Slideshow) to organize the photos. In each photo placed the text and gave the necessary time to each slide and how to transition slides.
In the end, I chose the way of output video file, to be inserted into the blog. The AVI format was chosen. After inserting it into the Blog.
It was great fun doing this LO, but also very laborious.

2 comentários:

  1. Gostei muito da tua ideia de LO. Tudo "home made" e com muita criatividade. É a prova que ás vezes não precisamos de muitos software e extravagante para construir uma mensagem digital.
    Como foi voltar a "brincar" com os Playmobile?

  2. Obrigado. Foi uma ideia que surgiu. Pedi-os "emprestados" à minha filha, enquanto dormia. Foram uns bons actores.
    Depois com a ajuda de alguns instrumentos e um simples software, foi só seguir o guião.
    Se a TVI sabe?!! Lol.
